Originally published as a blog post for the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, our own Lili lists HIP's recommendations for philanthropic organizations to advance health equity.
HIP blog post by Megan Gaydos, highlighting recommendations to advance health equity discussed during the Health Equity Guide's "Advancing Health Equity in Local Health Departments Webinar Series."
WitnessLA article by Taylor Walker with California bill updates on criminal and juvenile justice reform efforts in the state, with reference to HIP's January 2017 report, "Juvenile InJustice: Charging Youth as Adults is Ineffective, Biased, and Harmful."
HIP is hiring an Operations Director. The Operations Director will be responsible for overseeing HIP's operational systems in support of our mission. This includes leading all human resources, finances, and our internal equity-focused organizational development.
Lansing State Journal op-ed by Renee Canady on Michigan's adult prosecution of 17-year olds as a public health issue, referencing HIP's November 2017 report "Raise the Age: Protecting Kids and Enhancing Public Safety in Michigan."
HIP blog post by Sari Bilick and Jonatha Heller, highlighting three things we're tracking, as Census 2020 shapes up, that could jeopardize health and equity
| Press Release | Human Impact Partners and Operation Restoration release report on the public health benefits of community-based sentencing for parents in Louisiana. One in 12 children in Louisiana have had an incarcerated parent. Human Impact Partners joined up with Operation Restoration to assess the health and equity impacts of […]
BRproud article by Michael Scheidt on the press conference to release "Keeping Kids and Parents Together: A Healthier Approach to Sentencing in Louisiana."
| By Amy Bush Stevens, Health Policy Institute of Ohio | At the Health Policy Institute of Ohio, we’re committed to pushing for a health policy agenda that takes into consideration all the factors beyond medical care that shape our health. Over the past few years, we’ve been filling our […]
Spark Policy Institute blog post by Lauren Gase and Taylor Schooley on public health solutions to juvenile justice issues, highlighting efforts across the country including HIP's November 2017 report, "Raise the Age: Protecting Kids and Enhancing Public Safety in Michigan."
MassLive article by Anne-Gerard Flynn on the upcoming "Ounce of Prevention" conference, where our own Kim Gilhuly, Director of the Health Instead of Punishment Program at HIP, will be leading a workshop on the role of public health in addressing mass incarceration.
Huffington Post article by Paul J. Fleming and William D. Lopez on the detrimental health impacts of the immigration enforcement system in the U.S. within the context of potentially ending the DACA program, citing our 2013 Family Unity, Family Health report.
Center for Health Journalism article by Suzanne Bohan on the health impacts of financial instability and the chronic stress related to it, citing our 2016 payday lending HIA report.
Health Affairs Blog post by Marjory Givens, David Kindig, Paula Tran Inzeo, and Victoria Faust on the need to address power as a determinant of health in research and in relationship with community organizers, with a shout out to Public Health Awakened.
The Denver Post article by Danika Worthington highlighting health equity work by Jefferson County Public Health, with a quote by our Co-Director, Lili Farhang, on the importance of addressing the causes of the causes of health inequities.
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy blog post by Lisa Ranghelli lifting up the bright spots of equity and justice work in 2017, including HIP health equity work with public health departments.
Human Impact Partners has funding from the Health Impact Project (a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts) to partner with grassroots community organizing groups on rapid-response health impacts research in support of an active issue campaign. Examples of our health impacts research are available […]
|By Andrew Kruszewski, Introduction by Celia Harris | This post is part of our Human Impact Stories Series (HISS!), where we thread together the narratives of folks’ experiences with the institutional practices and policies that greatly determine health. I had the pleasure of interviewing Andrew Kruszewski for our research report […]
KQED article by Audrey Garces on the case for police violence as a public health issue, with references to HIP's Public Health Awakened work and our 2015 Stress on the Streets Health Impact Assessment research.
Tampa Bay Times article by Lisa Gartner and Zachary T. Sampson about the start of a new study hoping to stop juvenile auto theft, referencing HIP's role in the study and Health Instead of Punishment Program.
| By Sari Bilick | Earlier this month I attended my first American Public Health Association (APHA) Annual Meeting, joining 12,000 other public health professionals in an overwhelming four days of speakers, panels, networking — and yes, protest! Last year, the APHA Governing Council temporarily passed a policy statement, “Law Enforcement Violence […]
Juvenile Justice Information Exchange article by Karina Saidi on how teenagers experience incarceration, referencing HIP's 2017 Juvenile InJustice Health Impact Assessment research.
| By Jonathan Heller | Here’s our vision for how a U.S. Attorney General’s op ed could lift up a transformational narrative on crime and justice. Instead, every day, we are bombarded with a particular ‘tough on crime’ narrative: our leaders and the media telling us that crime is rising and […]
La Opinión article on changing demographics and displacement of communities of color in LA, with a reference to HIP's 2015 Health Impact Assessment of the proposed Reef development project in South Central Los Angeles.
Hoy article by Selene Rivera on how children will be affected by changes in U.S. immigration policy, with a reference to HIP's 2013 report to assess how immigration policy impacted the health and well-being of children living in mixed-status families.
The Knock article by Jacob Woocher on housing issues in LA, with a reference to HIP's 2015 Health Impact Assessment of the proposed Reef development project in South Central Los Angeles.
Every day in our country, communities accomplish remarkable things using the resources we maintain together. Our roads, our clean air, our public schools, our parks, and our health departments are just a small part of the collective investment — through our taxes — that keeps everyone moving forward. Investments in public goods provide benefits […]
| By Pamela Winn, Introduction by Kim Gilhuly | We are kicking off a semi-regular series to place the human impact stories of our research and advocacy work front and center. In the Human Impact Stories Series (HISS!), we’ll thread together the narratives of folks’ experiences with the institutional practices […]
Florida Politics article by Mitch Perry coverage of recently released "Stepping Up" report, analyzing the use of civil citations as a diversion method to arresting youth in Florida (HIP served on the advisory committee for this study).