February 4, 2020

NEW research! Liberating Our Health: Ending the Harms of Pretrial Incarceration and Money Bail

Research report examining the harms of pretrial incarceration and money bail on health and equity through 6 pathways: economic insecurity, loss of employment, loss of housing, conditions of confinement, inadequate healthcare, and loss of social support and community cohesion.
February 3, 2020

Summer 2020 Graduate Research Intern Position

Human Impact Partners is looking for a Graduate Research Intern for summer 2020! The person filling this role will help support HIP research initiatives through analyzing data using quantitative and qualitative research methods, writing up research findings for reports, issue and policy briefs, and more. Applications due by March 2, 2020.
December 24, 2019

Closing out 2019, ready for 2020 and beyond!

What you'll find in this issue: our newest research out of Florida, the latest in our organizing work with public health practitioners, highlights from work across California to advance equity, advocacy updates, and saying good bye to our co-founder and co-director Jonathan Heller.
December 16, 2019

Share what you can to help us get stronger in 2020

If you believe public health can do better to achieve health equity, if  you believe public health can be a better partner in moving structural reforms that create barriers for so many — share what you can today to help us be even stronger in 2020.
December 12, 2019

*NEW* Research — Our Homes, Our Health: Ensuring Climate and Housing Justice for Florida’s Manufactured Home Communities

Research report in partnership with Manufactured Housing Action (MHAction), revealing intersecting threats — of exploitative community owner practices, destructive climate disasters, and ineffective disaster recovery programs — to the health and well-being of Florida’s manufactured home community residents.
December 3, 2019

Goodbye for now, thank you, and a final request

Friday is my last day at Human Impact Partners. After 14 years, I’ll be leaving HIP in the incredibly capable hands of the HIP team: my long-time co-leader and thought partner, Lili Farhang, our dedicated Board, and HIP’s amazing staff...
October 3, 2019

Legislative advocacy updates, save the date for happy hour at APHA, new blog posts, and more quarterly HIP updates

What you'll find in this issue: exciting legislative updates from California, upcoming opportunities to plug into Public Health Awakened, our latest blog posts, Alameda County job opportunities, and much more.
August 7, 2019

HIP Statement Against White Nationalist Violence

We at Human Impact Partners are feeling the anguish, fear, and pulls of despair over the mass shootings in Gilroy, El Paso, and Dayton — all within a week. We, like a lot of you, are both numb and heartbroken. It’s hard to constantly face the volume of mass shootings we are collectively witnessing across the US...
July 26, 2019

Legislative wins in Michigan & Tennessee for #HealthNotPunishment plus new HIP research and other updates

What you'll find in this issue: a new framework to evaluate racial equity of youth diversion programs, advocacy updates in Michigan and Tennessee, health equity capacity building updates, a warm welcome to our newest teammates, and much more.
July 3, 2019

Catch HIP in Orlando at NACCHO Annual 2019

Come say hi to Amber, Ana, and Jonathan at the NACCHO Annual Meeting in Orlando July 9 to 11. Join us for a Public Health Awakened happy hour on Tuesday and come participate at our sessions on power, health equity, and immigration on Wednesday and Thursday.
May 27, 2019

Upcoming Webinar: Advocating for More Equitable Lead Poisoning Prevention Policy

Advocates working on lead poisoning prevention policy are invited to join us on 6/17 for a 1-hour webinar to discuss how elected and government officials can develop and implement policies that center equity and support the needs of communities most impacted by lead poisoning.
March 29, 2019

HIP Happenings: research, advocacy, and health equity capacity building updates for early 2019

Catch up on our research releases, advocacy activities and resources, and health equity capacity building updates from early 2019. Issues in this issue: payday lending, lead poisoning prevention, and law enforcement violence.
October 25, 2018

We’re Hiring: Public Health Organizer

Human Impact Partners is looking for a Public Health Organizer! The person filling this role will help mobilize public health professionals across the US to engage in social justice movements through Public Health Awakened and our other research, advocacy, and capacity-building projects at HIP. Applications due by November 16, 2018.
September 11, 2018

Open Position: Program Director, Health Instead of Punishment

We're looking for a Program Director for our Health Instead of Punishment Program, to lead our national work to advance an alternative vision for our criminal and juvenile justice systems. This is an exciting opportunity to be at the forefront of leveraging the power of public health to strengthen the movement for justice reform.
May 21, 2018

Announcing the 2018-2019 Health Equity Awakened Leadership Institute Fellows

Welcome 2018-2019 Health Equity Awakened Leadership Fellows We’re excited to announce our newest Health Equity Awakened Leadership Fellows! Over the course of the 12-month program, HIP’s Leadership Institute will curate space for these leaders to dive deeply into strategies that advance racial and social justice in public health, data-driven framing, […]
March 27, 2018

Work at HIP: We’re Looking for an Operations Director!

HIP is hiring an Operations Director. The Operations Director will be responsible for overseeing HIP's operational systems in support of our mission. This includes leading all human resources, finances, and our internal equity-focused organizational development.
March 6, 2018

New Research on Public Health Benefits of Community-Based Sentencing for Parents in Louisiana

| Press Release | Human Impact Partners and Operation Restoration release report on the public health benefits of community-based sentencing for parents in Louisiana. One in 12 children in Louisiana have had an incarcerated parent. Human Impact Partners joined up with Operation Restoration to assess the health and equity impacts of […]
January 10, 2018

Open Call for Rapid-Response Health Impacts Research

Human Impact Partners has funding from the Health Impact Project (a collaboration of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and The Pew Charitable Trusts) to partner with grassroots community organizing groups on rapid-response health impacts research in support of an active issue campaign. Examples of our health impacts research are available […]
July 12, 2017

New Resource Helps Health Departments Build Power for Health Equity

| Press Release | Oakland, CA — After years of struggling to close health disparities, a new movement has taken root: health departments are taking on racial and social justice. Health departments are confronting the power imbalances and forms of oppression at the root of health inequities, changing the conversation about […]
June 7, 2017

New Research on Youth Arrests and Diversion Aim to Keep Michigan Kids Healthy and Successful

| Press Release | Lansing, MI — Human Impact Partners and the Michigan Council on Crime and Delinquency released companion reports examining both Michigan youth arrests and diversion from formal court involvement. These new research reports add to the growing evidence that juvenile diversion works better than arrest and/or formal court adjudication. […]