
Our policy research is grounded in a participatory process.

We conduct policy-focused and participatory research to evaluate the health impacts of policies across a range of issues including criminal justice, economic inequality, immigration, housing, land use, and transportation. We believe that by understanding how a wide range of issues affect health and health equity, we can better understand the breadth of benefits and burdens that communities may experience as a result of any policy change.

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Corporate Wealth vs Community Health: How corporate landlords’ profit-seeking strategies harm health
Corporate Wealth vs Community Health: How corporate landlords’ profit-seeking strategies harm health
June 2024 —

Human Impact Partners, with the guidance of 12 housing justice and public health experts, explored the threat that corporate landlords pose to housing conditions and public health. We build the case for public health and governmental action to counteract corporate landlords’ exacerbation of the national housing and health crisis.

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Turning up the Heat: Climate Change, California Worker Health, and Ensuring Good Jobs in a Climate-Safe Economy
Turning up the Heat: Climate Change, California Worker Health, and Ensuring Good Jobs in a Climate-Safe Economy
June 2024 —

This report explores how climate change and transition impact the health of California workers and the communities where they live.

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Advancing Racial and Health Justice Through a Right to Counsel for Tenants: A Primer for the Public Health Field
Advancing Racial and Health Justice Through a Right to Counsel for Tenants: A Primer for the Public Health Field
March 2024 —

This primer reviews what right to counsel laws are, how they advance racial and health justice, and ways public health practitioners can support right to counsel efforts.

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2023 Year in Review
2023 Year in Review
February 2024 —

HIP’s 2023 Year in Review offers a look back at what we accomplished in the past year, and some of the key lessons we learned along the way.

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Providing California Workers with Free Access to Food Safety Information: A Public Health Imperative
Providing California Workers with Free Access to Food Safety Information: A Public Health Imperative
July 2023 —

This report describes how the inappropriate use of a public health imperative to require workers to pay for food safety training directly contravenes basic and widely accepted public health principles of providing critical community health information free to the most vulnerable members of a community.

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From Crisis to Care: Ending the Health Harm of Women’s Prisons
From Crisis to Care: Ending the Health Harm of Women’s Prisons
February 2023 —

We collaborated with Californians United for a Responsible Budget; California Coalition for Women Prisoners; and Transgender, Gender-variant, and Intersex Justice Project to create a research report, fact sheet, and social media tiles about the harms of women’s prisons.

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Human Impact Partners Research Code of Ethics
Human Impact Partners Research Code of Ethics
January 2023 —

HIP’s research team created this Code of Ethics to hold ourselves accountable to practicing research that is responsible, equitable, and just. We developed this resource with guidance from community organizers we have partnered with on previous research projects.

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“You Can’t Find a Way Out”: The Wine Industry’s Responsibility for Risks to Frontline Farmworkers
“You Can’t Find a Way Out”: The Wine Industry’s Responsibility for Risks to Frontline Farmworkers
October 2022 —

Research brief in partnership with North Bay Jobs with Justice describing how wine industry and governmental labor policies harm Sonoma County farmworkers’ safety and economic security in the context of climate crises.

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A Five Dollar Raise Could Transform Walmart Associates’ Health and Well-being
A Five Dollar Raise Could Transform Walmart Associates’ Health and Well-being
October 2021 —

Research brief demonstrates the measurable benefits to public health and health equity that would result from a $5 an hour wage increase at Walmart.

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Health and Safety for Young Migrants: Recommendations for Supporting Unaccompanied Youth
Health and Safety for Young Migrants: Recommendations for Supporting Unaccompanied Youth
July 2021 —

We partnered with the Dignity Not Detention Coalition to create a resource outlining recommendations for what healthy, just, and supportive immigration policy can look like for unaccompanied youth immigrating to the US, without relying on detention or detention-like facilities.

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Walmart’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic: How lack of paid sick time prolongs the pandemic and increases mortality
Walmart’s role in the COVID-19 pandemic: How lack of paid sick time prolongs the pandemic and increases mortality
April 2021 —

Research brief developed in partnership with United For Respect reveals that Walmart could have prevented at least 7,618 COVID-19 cases and saved 133 lives last year with an adequate paid sick time policy — and urges Walmart to institute an expanded and universally accessible paid leave policy for all employees.

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Evictions in the COVID-19 Era: A threat to family and community health in Santa Fe
Evictions in the COVID-19 Era: A threat to family and community health in Santa Fe
April 2021 —

We developed a series of research briefs in partnership with Chainbreaker Collective to examine the scale and public health impacts of the COVID-19 era eviction crisis on renter households in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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California Local Health Department Actions for Worker Health and Safety During COVID-19
California Local Health Department Actions for Worker Health and Safety During COVID-19
April 2021 —

With support from the California Department of Public Health Office of Health Equity, we created this resource with recommendations and actions that local health departments can take to protect worker health and safety during COVID-19 and beyond.

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Health and Cultural Wealth: Student Perspectives on Police-Free Schools in Fresno, California
Health and Cultural Wealth: Student Perspectives on Police-Free Schools in Fresno, California
March 2021 —

We partnered with Fresno Barrios Unidos to create a research brief about the health harms of school policing and the public health benefits of investing in non-punitive supports for students.

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The Public Health Crisis Hidden in Amazon Warehouses
The Public Health Crisis Hidden in Amazon Warehouses
January 2021 —

We partnered with Warehouse Worker Resource Center to develop a research brief and two factsheets on the physical and mental health impacts that Amazon’s inhumane quota and tracking systems have on warehouse workers and delivery drivers.

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Stable Homes, Healthy Communities: How rent stabilization will support a healthy Colorado
Stable Homes, Healthy Communities: How rent stabilization will support a healthy Colorado
December 2020 —

We partnered with United for a New Economy and 9to5 Colorado to research how the housing instability crisis in Colorado impacts the health of low- and moderate-income renters, and developed policy recommendations to repeal the statewide ban on rent stabilization policies in support of public health and equity.

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Schools and Communities First: California Prop 15 Campaign Support
Schools and Communities First: California Prop 15 Campaign Support
October 2020 —

In support of the Schools and Communities First campaign to reform commercial property tax in California, we developed a set of infographics to showcase how restoring county resources can advance health equity. We are also mobilizing public health to join the campaign to pass Prop 15, the statewide initiative which will be on the California ballot in November 2020.

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Health, Healing, and Housing in Santa Fe: Community Land Trusts, Midtown, and a Vision for Post-Pandemic Development
Health, Healing, and Housing in Santa Fe: Community Land Trusts, Midtown, and a Vision for Post-Pandemic Development
September 2020 —

Research brief in collaboration with Chainbreaker Collective on the health impacts of developing a Community Land Trust to stabilize housing in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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Stop ICE Transfers: Promoting Health, Unifying Families, Healing Communities
Stop ICE Transfers: Promoting Health, Unifying Families, Healing Communities
August 2020 —

We partnered with the Asian Prisoner Support Committee and Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus to create a research brief, toolkit, and resources to address the health impacts of direct transfers from California prisons and jails to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

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Lead Local
Lead Local
February 2020 —

Lead Local was a collaborative research project seeking to answer the question: How does community power catalyze, create and sustain conditions for healthy communities? As part of this project, HIP developed a primer on power, housing justice and health equity with Right to the City Alliance and a survey of health departments collaborating with community organizers.

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Home is Where Our Health Is: Policies to Improve the Health of Renters in Milwaukee and Beyond
Home is Where Our Health Is: Policies to Improve the Health of Renters in Milwaukee and Beyond
February 2020 —

We partnered with Community Advocates Public Policy Institute in Milwaukee to research how the affordability, quality, and stability of housing affect the health of renters, and developed policy recommendations that will improve housing, health, and equity for renters in Milwaukee and across Wisconsin.

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Liberating Our Health: Ending the Harms of Pretrial Incarceration and Money Bail
Liberating Our Health: Ending the Harms of Pretrial Incarceration and Money Bail
February 2020 —

National research report on the pathways through which pretrial incarceration and money bail impact health with considerations for how to prioritize community health instead of punishment. We partnered with Faith in Florida for the first county-specific research brief to inform local policy decisions.

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Our Homes, Our Health: Ensuring Climate and Housing Justice for Florida’s Manufactured Home Communities
Our Homes, Our Health: Ensuring Climate and Housing Justice for Florida’s Manufactured Home Communities
December 2019 —

Research report in partnership with Manufactured Housing Action (MHAction), revealing intersecting threats — of exploitative community owner practices, destructive climate disasters, and ineffective disaster recovery programs — to the health and well-being of Florida’s manufactured home community residents.

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Driving Away Our Health: The Economic Insecurity of Working for Lyft and Uber
Driving Away Our Health: The Economic Insecurity of Working for Lyft and Uber
August 2019 —

Research report in collaboration with Gig Workers Rising, examining the health impacts of driving for a ride-hail company like Lyft or Uber.

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Advancing Racial Equity in Youth Diversion: An Evaluation Framework Informed by Los Angeles County
Advancing Racial Equity in Youth Diversion: An Evaluation Framework Informed by Los Angeles County
June 2019 —

In partnership with the Los Angeles County Office of Youth Diversion and Development, we created an evaluation framework for assessing racial equity in youth diversion.

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Keeping Kids and Parents Together: A Healthier Approach to Sentencing in MA, TN, LA
Keeping Kids and Parents Together: A Healthier Approach to Sentencing in MA, TN, LA
April 2019 —

We partnered with Free Hearts in Tennessee, Operation Restoration in Louisiana, and Families for Justice & Healing in Massachusetts to research the health and equity impacts of expanding the use of community-based alternatives to incarceration for convicted parents in each of those states. We produced state-specific reports and fact sheets to inform policy decision-making at the state level on this important issue.

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When Poverty Makes You Sick: The Intersection of Health and Predatory Lending in Missouri
When Poverty Makes You Sick: The Intersection of Health and Predatory Lending in Missouri
February 2019 —

Research report in collaboration with Missouri Faith Voices on the health impacts of predatory lending and how the industry unfairly targets vulnerable communities in Missouri.

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The Effects of Forced Family Separation in the Rio Grande Valley: A Family Unity, Family Health Research Update
The Effects of Forced Family Separation in the Rio Grande Valley: A Family Unity, Family Health Research Update
October 2018 —

A report showcasing the effects on the health of children, parents, and families who live in the Rio Grande Valley when they live in fear of a parent or household loved one being deported, or if they’ve already experienced forced family separation as a result of deportation.

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Understanding Working & Caregiving: An Analysis of California Paid Family Leave
Understanding Working & Caregiving: An Analysis of California Paid Family Leave
October 2018 —

A report that reveals policy gaps and proposes solutions for how California Paid Family Leave (PFL) and additional workplace policies can serve all working family caregivers as they care for their loved ones in times of need.

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#HealthyHours: Fair Workweek Advocacy
#HealthyHours: Fair Workweek Advocacy
June 2018 —

Research and organizing tools on how unstable work hours affect the health and mental health of workers and families.

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Raise the Age: Protecting Kids and Enhancing Public Safety in Michigan
Raise the Age: Protecting Kids and Enhancing Public Safety in Michigan
November 2017 —

We produced a report evaluating the health and equity impacts of charging 17-year-olds in juvenile court rather than adult court in Michigan. We also mobilized public health to join the campaign to pass Raise the Age legislation in Michigan.

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Bail Reform California Campaign Support
Bail Reform California Campaign Support
September 2017 —

In 2017, we mobilized public health support for the early California Money Bail Reform Act. In 2018 the Act changed significantly, and many of the original sponsors withdrew their support. The materials here reflect early versions of the Act.

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Reducing Youth Arrests Keeps Kids  Healthy and Successful: A Health Analysis of Youth Arrest in Michigan
Reducing Youth Arrests Keeps Kids Healthy and Successful: A Health Analysis of Youth Arrest in Michigan
June 2017 —

A report on the health impacts of youth arrest in Michigan that highlights a set of promising alternatives to youth arrest including civil citations and trauma-informed approaches.

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Healthy and Safe Riverside County: Investing in What Works
Healthy and Safe Riverside County: Investing in What Works
March 2017 —

A report showcasing interventions both inside and outside of the justice system to improve health and well-being of Riverside County residents —also including a budget analysis of Riverside County “public protection” spending.

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Juvenile InJustice: Charging Youth as  Adults is Ineffective, Biased, and Harmful
Juvenile InJustice: Charging Youth as Adults is Ineffective, Biased, and Harmful
February 2017 —

A report on health impacts of charging youth as adults, with recommendations for increased community investment and restorative justice-oriented solutions.

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Excessive Revocations in Wisconsin: The Health Impacts of Locking People Up without a New Conviction
Excessive Revocations in Wisconsin: The Health Impacts of Locking People Up without a New Conviction
December 2016 —

A report on health impacts of current practice in Wisconsin to incarcerate people for breaking rules of parole, probation, or supervision but who have not been convicted of a new crime, and recommendations to change that practice.

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The Health and Equity Impacts of Expanded Access to Preschool: Cincinnati’s Fork in the Road
The Health and Equity Impacts of Expanded Access to Preschool: Cincinnati’s Fork in the Road
August 2016 —

An HIA of expanding access to preschool in Cincinnati, OH.

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Public Health Departments in California and Criminal Justice System Reform: Successes, Barriers, and Recommendations for Action
Public Health Departments in California and Criminal Justice System Reform: Successes, Barriers, and Recommendations for Action
July 2016 —

An assessment of the barriers and successes that public health departments have experienced in participating in criminal justice system reform, with recommendations for action.

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An Assessment of the Health and Safety Implications of Coal Transport through Oakland
An Assessment of the Health and Safety Implications of Coal Transport through Oakland
June 2016 —

Assessment of the health and safety implications of transporting coal through Oakland.

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Connecting the Dots: An Evaluation of LACDPH HIAs of the Parks After Dark and Women’s Re-Entry Court Programs
Connecting the Dots: An Evaluation of LACDPH HIAs of the Parks After Dark and Women’s Re-Entry Court Programs
June 2016 —

Process and impact evaluation of LACDPH Parks After Dark and Women’s Re-Entry Court HIAs.

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The Long Road Home: Decreasing Barriers to Public Housing for People with Criminal Records
The Long Road Home: Decreasing Barriers to Public Housing for People with Criminal Records
May 2016 —

An HIA on health impacts of policies that exclude people with criminal records from public housing, with a case study in Oakland, CA.

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Planning for the Public Health Impacts of Climate Change in Northampton, Massachusetts
Planning for the Public Health Impacts of Climate Change in Northampton, Massachusetts
February 2016 —

A report looking at the health impacts of climate change in Northampton, Massachusetts. This report is unique in that it looks at climate change in a very local context, whereas most reports about climate change and health are on a state- or region-wide basis.

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Community Participation in Health Impact Assessments: A National Evaluation
Community Participation in Health Impact Assessments: A National Evaluation
January 2016 —

A two-year study that looked at how community participation impacted core HIA values like democracy and equity, and how participation affected the success of the HIA.

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Healthy Chula Vista Action Plan
Healthy Chula Vista Action Plan
December 2015 —

A collection of data on local health status and inequities, relevant public health research, and community and stakeholder input, to inform prioritization of 65 strategies in The Healthy Chula Vista Action Plan, in California.

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CV/Link: Connecting the Coachella Valley, Health Impact Assessment
CV/Link: Connecting the Coachella Valley, Health Impact Assessment
December 2015 —

An HIA on a proposed 50-mile multi-use path for pedestrians, bicycles, and low-speed electric vehicles. HIP led the HIA process and wrote the draft report. Riverside University Health System–Public Health and Coachella Valley Association of Governments edited and finalized the report and released it in November 2015.

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Stress on the Streets (SOS): Race, Policing, Health, and Increasing Trust Not Trauma
Stress on the Streets (SOS): Race, Policing, Health, and Increasing Trust Not Trauma
December 2015 —

An assessment of policing practices in Ohio, with specific focus on impacts to black people and police.

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Los Angeles Wage Theft Ordinance (Case Story)
Los Angeles Wage Theft Ordinance (Case Story)
October 2015 —

The Los Angeles Coalition Against Wage Theft used our HIA research and associated advocacy by health professionals to deepen support for the ordinance among city council members. The ordinance passed in 2015. In addition, the California Fair Paycheck Coalition used the HIA and advocacy from health professionals to win the passage of a statewide wage theft bill, SB 588, in 2015.

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Assessing Health and Equity Impacts of the Proposed Reef Development Project in South Central Los Angeles
Assessing Health and Equity Impacts of the Proposed Reef Development Project in South Central Los Angeles
October 2015 —

A report on health and equity effects of a proposed development in South Central Los Angeles.

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Shining a Light on Health: How the Sunport Boulevard Extension Project will Affect Health and Well-Being
Shining a Light on Health: How the Sunport Boulevard Extension Project will Affect Health and Well-Being
September 2015 —

A comment letter and HIA of a proposed road extension in an environmental justice community in New Mexico.

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Equitable Development & Risk of Displacement: Profiles of Four Santa Fe Neighborhoods
Equitable Development & Risk of Displacement: Profiles of Four Santa Fe Neighborhoods
August 2015 —

A report analyzing public resource allocation and risk of displacement in neighborhoods of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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Lobos CO2 Pipeline Health Impact Assessment (Case Story)
Lobos CO2 Pipeline Health Impact Assessment (Case Story)
June 2015 —

An HIA of a proposed carbon dioxide (CO2) pipeline project in Torrance County, New Mexico.

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Turning on the TAP: How Returning Access to Tuition Assistance for Incarcerated People Improves the Health of New Yorkers
Turning on the TAP: How Returning Access to Tuition Assistance for Incarcerated People Improves the Health of New Yorkers
May 2015 —

An HIA on a bill to reinstate tuition assistance for people in prison in New York State.

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School Discipline and Restorative Justice (Case Story)
School Discipline and Restorative Justice (Case Story)
September 2014 —

HIAs on School Discipline and Restorative Justice Policies in Los Angeles, Oakland, Salinas and Merced, California

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Rehabilitating Corrections in California: The Health Impacts of Prop 47 (Case Story)
Rehabilitating Corrections in California: The Health Impacts of Prop 47 (Case Story)
September 2014 —

An HIA of a statewide ballot initiative in California that reclassifies low-level non-violent crimes to misdemeanors and redirects funding to treatment and prevention.

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Restorative Justice and Health in Merced Schools
Restorative Justice and Health in Merced Schools
September 2014 —

Restorative justice and health in Merced schools; Improving health impacts through school discipline policy in Merced, CA.

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An HIA of a Skatepark in City Heights, San Diego (Case Story)
An HIA of a Skatepark in City Heights, San Diego (Case Story)
July 2014 —

An HIA of a proposed skatepark in San Diego, CA.

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Rapid Health Analysis of Minimum Wage Bill in California
Rapid Health Analysis of Minimum Wage Bill in California
May 2014 —

Rapid analysis to inform California legislature of health impacts from a bill proposed to raise the statewide minimum wage.

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When Health is the Root Cause of Poor Education Outcomes: How Local Control Funding Formula Can Help Students Succeed
When Health is the Root Cause of Poor Education Outcomes: How Local Control Funding Formula Can Help Students Succeed
April 2014 —

A report on health and equity considerations to inform how money is allocated to California schools.

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Family Unity, Family Health: An Inquiry on Federal Immigration Policy (Case Story)
Family Unity, Family Health: An Inquiry on Federal Immigration Policy (Case Story)
June 2013 —

An examination of a continued policy of immigrant detentions and deportations at the federal level.

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Rapid HIA of School Integration Strategies in Minnesota
Rapid HIA of School Integration Strategies in Minnesota
April 2013 —

An HIA of a proposed policies to encourage school racial/ethnic integration in Minnesota.

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Paid Sick Days HIAs (Case Story)
Paid Sick Days HIAs (Case Story)
December 2012 —

A series of HIAs examining paid sick days legislation at local, state and federal levels.

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Treatment Instead of Prison HIA (Case Story)
Treatment Instead of Prison HIA (Case Story)
November 2012 —

An HIA examining an increase in funding for treatment alternatives in Wisconsin.

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Marin Healthy Homes Project: A Health Impact Assessment
Marin Healthy Homes Project: A Health Impact Assessment
July 2012 —

An HIA of proposed changes to residential Code Enforcement policies in Marin County, CA.

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Farmers Field HIA (Case Story)
Farmers Field HIA (Case Story)
July 2012 —

An HIA of a proposed stadium development project in downtown Los Angeles, CA.

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A Rapid HIA of the City of Los Angeles’ Proposed University of Southern California Specific Plan
A Rapid HIA of the City of Los Angeles’ Proposed University of Southern California Specific Plan
April 2012 —

An HIA of a proposed land use plan in Los Angeles, CA.

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The Rental Assistance Demonstration Project
The Rental Assistance Demonstration Project
February 2012 —

An HIA of proposed federal regulations related to public housing management

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I-710 Corridor Project HIA
I-710 Corridor Project HIA
November 2011 —

An HIA of a proposed freeway expansion project in Los Angeles, CA.

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Rapid Health Impact Assessment of Policies to Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled in Oregon
Rapid Health Impact Assessment of Policies to Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled in Oregon
September 2011 —

Health impact assessments (HIAs) enable decisions-makers to assess proposed policies, projects and programmes with respect to their potential health impact. The purpose of this rapid HIA was to inform the debate within a state legislature about the value of state policy…

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Humboldt County General Plan Update HIA: A Case Study
Humboldt County General Plan Update HIA: A Case Study
September 2009 —

Abstract: As a tool for deliberately planning for and optimizing the ways in which we design our environments, Health Impact Assessment (HIA) holds promise for achieving environmental justice and health equity…

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Jack London Gateway HIA (Case Story)
Jack London Gateway HIA (Case Story)
May 2007 —

An HIA of a proposed low-income senior housing development project in Oakland, CA

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