HIP Co-Director Solange Gould on building a thriving health justice ecosystem in a blog post for Harvard Law School's digital Health Justice Symposium.
MarketWatch Value Gap column by Levi Sumagaysay featuring a Q&A with HIP Co-Director Lili Farhang on findings from our research looking at the health equity impacts of a $5 an hour raise at Walmart.
Our latest research brief looks at the massive benefits to public health and health equity that would result from a $5 an hour wage increase at Walmart.
New York Times article by Chris Colin examines how Walmart's unsafe working conditions and poverty wages have exposed thousands of workers to danger and economic instability throughout the pandemic, featuring findings from HIP's recent research in partnership with United for Respect.
Orange County Register article by Kevin Smith, on a bill that aims to protect California warehouse workers from claims of abusive quota systems – featuring HIP's recent research in partnership with Warehouse Workers Resource Center.
Catch up on all the latest from HIP – including a new guide for health equity and racial justice in healthcare, research on just immigration policy for unaccompanied youth, organizing updates, capacity building highlights, and so much more.
HIP blog post by Solange Gould sharing our latest Health Equity Tip on how health departments can work with communities to address the shared root drivers of health equity and climate justice.
Join us next Thursday, July 29 at 10am PT / 1pm ET for a HealthBegins webinar introducing a new guidebook, "Bringing Light & Heat: A Health Equity Guide for Healthcare Transformation and Accountability" created in partnership with HealthBegins, Health Leads, JSI, SIREN at UCSF, and HIP.
We partnered with the Dignity Not Detention Coalition to create a resource outlining recommendations for what healthy, just, and supportive immigration policy can look like for unaccompanied youth immigrating to the US, without relying on detention or detention-like facilities.
HIP blog post by Megan Gaydos, Ana Tellez, and Raina Wellman revisiting one of our Health Equity Tips to uplift the way community power is a big slice of the pie when it comes to health equity work.
Apply by July 8, 2021! We're looking for someone with a passion for racial justice via organizational change plus skills in communication principles to make clear, usable guidance for public health organizations.
Fortune commentary by William J. Barber II and Cynthia Murray on why Walmart must create a pandemic task force to prevent future COVID-19 outbreaks in its stores, featuring findings from our report in partnership with United For Respect.
Newsmax article by Charles Kim on workers' efforts to push Walmart to institute a workers' council following the retail giant's failure to provide employees with an accessible paid sick time policy.
The Guardian article by Amanda Holpuch on Walmart workers' demands for creation of a workers' advisory council, featuring HIP's recent research on the need for a accessible paid sick time policy to support workers' health.
Blog post by HIP Research Associate Martha Ockenfels-Martinez on how expanding access to, and strengthening support for full voter engagement is key for our collective health.
Catch up on all the latest highlights from HIP with our quarterly roundup of our most recent research, advocacy, capacity building updates, and health equity news.
We're hiring! HIP is looking for a Communications Associate who is deeply committed to leveraging strategic communications to advance racial justice and health equity.
Albuquerque Journal editorial by AJ North Editorial Board highlights findings from our report in partnership with Chainbreaker Collective on the health impacts of the evictions crisis in Santa Fe, NM, and the urgent need to strengthen renter protections.
Jezebel article by Emily Alford spotlights findings from our recent report in partnership with United For Respect on how Walmart could have prevented 7,500 covid-19 infections and 133 deaths among associates with an effective paid sick leave policy.
The Guardian article by Lauren Aratani spotlights findings from our latest research, revealing Walmart could have saved 133 lives and prevented over 7,500 COVID-19 cases last year with an accessible paid sick leave policy.
Santa Fe New Mexican article by Dillon Mullan highlights findings from our report in partnership with Chainbreaker Collective on the COVID-19 era evictions crisis in Santa Fe, NM, featuring HIP's Sukhdip Purewal Boparai on shifts in eviction filings despite current moratoria.
This brief is the second in a series of three created in partnership with Chainbreaker Collective to examine the context, scale, and public health impacts of the COVID-19 era eviction crisis on renters in Santa Fe.
Fresno Bee commentary by youth leaders of the Fresno Education Justice Coalition Blanca Barajas and Michael Yamamura calls for schools to divest from policing and reallocate funds toward student support services that promote health, featuring our recent research with Fresno Barrios Unidos on police-free schools.
Blog post by HIP's Senior Public Health Organizer Sari Bilick and Health Instead of Punishment Director Amber Akemi Piatt on how taxes can support the collective good by investing in health-promoting policies, and shifting our resources away from systems that perpetuate harm.
With support from the California Department of Public Health Office of Health Equity, we created this resource with recommendations and actions that local health departments can take to protect worker health and safety during COVID-19 and beyond.
The Hill article by Julia Manchester spotlights a new campaign led by Paid Family Leave in partnership with organizations including HIP aimed at pushing Congress to pass paid family leave legislation as part of the $20 million Care Can't Wait campaign.
The campaign,
We're excited to share two opportunities to learn more about the health benefits of police-free schools, with webinars on 4/13 and 4/20 building on our latest Health Instead of Punishment research centering the perspectives of students on ways to best support their health, safety, and learning at school.
Othering & Belonging Institute blog post by HIP Senior Research Associate Christine Mitchell traces the inequitable history of privacy violations in public health campaigns to current issues in COVID-19 contact tracing, and offers ways to benefit from public health measures while protecting the privacy of vulnerable and impacted communities.