Human Impact Partners is gearing up for #APHA2022 next month! Check out a range of opportunities to connect, learn from some of our partners, and take action—including options for virtual-only, and non-APHA members to engage.
Human Impact Partners is hiring a Senior Program Associate to join our new Housing Justice team. Applications are due October 13, 2022. Spread the word and apply here!
All the latest from HIP: Exciting new faces, roles, and projects; introducing HIP's two new programs; updates from our most recent advocacy & organizing, narrative change, research, and capacity building work; and so much more!
Blog post by Jessi Corcoran on how the Roe decision fits into the past and present of White supremacy and reproductive control, plus what public health can do to advocate for reproductive justice for all.
9News article on organizing around housing justice in Colorado featuring a quote from a 2019 HIP research brief outlining the importance of rent stabilization in Colorado to support healthy communities.
Join HIP and Housing Now! on July 19th at 12pm PT to learn why housing justice is public health and what you can do to support safe and affordable housing for all Californians. Register here!
We’re excited to share 2 new sets of resources that guide government agencies and community power-building organizations (CPBOs) through the why and how of building and sharing power to advance health equity.
Join Human Impact Partners on Thursday, June 23rd at 10am PT and Tuesday, July 26th at 10am PT for a new 2-part webinar workshop series, Power-Building for Health Departments, geared toward health department leaders, staff, and partners. Register here.
Article in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice on Power-building Partnerships for Health, an innovative initiative that supports the redistribution of power to change social and political systems that shape health, co-authored by HIP Bridging Director Megan Gaydos.
Human Impact Partners is hiring a Human Resources Manager and a Capacity Building Program Associate to join our incredible team and support our work centering equity and justice in the field of public health. Both applications are due June 3, 2022. Spread the word and apply here!
Catch up on all the latest from HIP – including a note from HIP on reproductive justice; the latest on our Health Equity Awakened Leadership Institute; a new resource for community organizers to engage with governmental public health departments; introductions to a crew of new HIP staff, and more!
HIP blog post by former intern Raina Wellman on how public health can partner with artists and designers to create engaging visual communications to support movements for climate justice and health equity.
Press call organized by Welcome With Dignity demanding the Centers for Disease Control put an end to the misuse of public health authority to unjustly expel refugees from our borders, featuring HIP Co-Director Solange Gould as a speaker.
This brand new guide is a tool to support community organizers to engage with governmental public health departments and identify opportunities to advance their campaign and policy change goals.
Blog post on the power of using narrative change work to advance health equity, featuring an interview with Cindi Azuogu and Caroline Miller of the NYC Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention.
In this blog post, HIP co-directors Lili Farhang and Solange Gould reflect on the importance of centering racial justice and power-sharing for a truly transformative public health practice — and outline concrete steps for how public health leaders can do so.
Check out 3 new full-time positions with Human Impact Partners: 1) Senior Research Associate, 2) Director of Policy and Organizing, and 3) Director of Capacity Building! These are exciting opportunities to support our social justice movement partners, as well as our public health allies, via a mix of strategies.
Human Impact Partners seeks an independent contractor to help us identify and implement a CRM/database solution for our organization. We would prefer to work with one contractor through the entire process and will consider an ongoing maintenance contract once the solution is up and running. Submit a proposal here.
Catch up on all the latest from HIP – including a new resource on organizing at the intersection of abortion rights and decriminalization; updates on our ongoing advocacy for equity-centered interventions to address the Covid-19 pandemic; our recent work around economic security and public health; and so much more!
As the year comes to a close, HIP Co-Directors Lili Farhang and Solange Gould reflect on the strength and power of our relationships in the movement for health equity.
The Markup article by Dara Kerr and Maddy Varner on how Amazon is putting its workers’ health in jeopardy by prematurely rolling back Covid precautions, featuring an interview with HIP Co-Director Lili Farhang and our recent letter urging Amazon to do more to protect its employees amidst the global pandemic.
Human Impact Partners is hiring a Program Director to lead our Bridging Partnerships and Strategies work! We’re looking for someone with a passion for visioning, designing, and leading systems change processes to achieve health equity, racial equity, and power-building. Spread the word and apply here!
Sacramento Bee article by Jeong Park and Alexandra Yoon-Hendricks on retail worker conditions during the holidays, featuring HIP Co-Director Lili Farhang on the letter organized by HIP and signed by over 200 public health experts urging Amazon to improve conditions for workers.
HIP blog post by Stephani Tyrance sharing our latest Health Equity Tip on how to develop a meaningful land and people acknowledgement practice as a tool to begin interrogating, deepening, and expanding public health's approach to Indigenous justice.
The Hill article by Chris Mills Rodrigo on a letter sent to Amazon by over 200 public health experts organized by HIP calling on the company to improve its workplace conditions, featuring HIP Co-Director Lili Farhang on the public health impacts of Amazon's inhumane workplace practices.
Guardian article by Michael Sainato on the urgent need for increased wages at Walmart, featuring HIP’s recent research on the massive health benefits that would result from a $5 an hour wage increase at America’s largest employer.