New Resource Helps Health Departments Build Power for Health Equity

| Press Release |

Oakland, CA — After years of struggling to close health disparities, a new movement has taken root: health departments are taking on racial and social justice. Health departments are confronting the power imbalances and forms of oppression at the root of health inequities, changing the conversation about what creates health, and building a movement for health equity.

Human Impact Partners (HIP) is proud to announce a new website to support this emerging new movement: is home to 25+ case studies of how health departments have concretely advanced health equity. is grounded in the recognition that equity work is about explicitly identifying and systematically addressing the intersecting root causes of unfair health outcomes, including oppression and lack of power.  The website is structured around 4 types of strategic practices that can guide health departments down their unique path: working across government, building internal infrastructure, fostering community partnerships, and championing transformative change.

HIP created in partnership with health equity leaders across the U.S. This project was funded through the generous support of The California Endowment.

“…we are cultivating and supporting local champions of health equity — where health equity is a front-burner issue for each of us (personally and organizationally) and where we are willing to use our power and standing to find solutions, even in the face of risk and challenges.”

– Douglas County Health Department, NE

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