January 14, 2025

2024 Edition: The Books, Shows, Music, and Moments That Carried Us Through

Every January, HIP staff take a moment to look back at the books, shows, music, and moments that carried us through the last year. Check out our 2024 edition of the things that brought us inspiration, joy, and laughs through the challenges.
November 30, 2023

Celebrating the fruits of collaboration

As the year comes to a close, we’re celebrating a historic win for racial, housing, and health justice everywhere — and looking back at the years of building power, relationships, and movements that made it possible. Join us today in continuing the work of creating a resilient ecosystem of housing […]
May 26, 2022

Power-building Partnerships for Health: Lessons From Santa Barbara About Building Power to Protect Farmworker Health and Advance Health Equity

Article in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice on Power-building Partnerships for Health, an innovative initiative that supports the redistribution of power to change social and political systems that shape health, co-authored by HIP Bridging Director Megan Gaydos.  
March 22, 2022

Leveraging Narrative Strategy for Health and Racial Equity: The NYC Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention’s Journey

Blog post on the power of using narrative change work to advance health equity, featuring an interview with Cindi Azuogu and Caroline Miller of the NYC Bureau of Chronic Disease Prevention.
March 8, 2022

Racial Justice and Power-sharing: The Heart of Leading Systems Change

In this blog post, HIP co-directors Lili Farhang and Solange Gould reflect on the importance of centering racial justice and power-sharing for a truly transformative public health practice — and outline concrete steps for how public health leaders can do so.
November 24, 2021

Health Equity Tip: Develop a Meaningful Land and People Acknowledgment Practice

HIP blog post by Stephani Tyrance sharing our latest Health Equity Tip on how to develop a meaningful land and people acknowledgement practice as a tool to begin interrogating, deepening, and expanding public health's approach to Indigenous justice.
April 15, 2021

Tax Day: What’s Health Equity Got to Do With It?

Blog post by HIP's Senior Public Health Organizer Sari Bilick and Health Instead of Punishment Director Amber Akemi Piatt on how taxes can support the collective good by investing in health-promoting policies, and shifting our resources away from systems that perpetuate harm.
October 15, 2020

The Long Game: approaching the 2020 election as a strategy for health equity

Blog post by Solange Gould, Sophia Simon-Ortiz, and Shannon Tracey on how we're engaging the 2020 election as part of a long-game strategy to cultivate collective health, and harnessing the power of our votes to dismantle systemic oppression.
September 29, 2020

Fear of the Unknown: How ICE transfers impact the health of immigrants and their families

Blog post by Dr. Christine Mitchell highlights our research on the health impacts of direct transfers from prisons and jails to ICE, including an interview with Lien Pham and Narissa Pham about how their brother Tien's transfer to ICE has impacted them and their loved ones.
September 4, 2020

Delivering Health: How Disinvestment and Sabotage at the USPS Threatens Public Health

Blog post by the Human Impact Partners team on how a fully functioning and funded United States Postal Service is critical for public health, along with actions you can take to support USPS in light of recent threats to service and budget cuts.
August 5, 2020

Our North Star Amidst Uncertainty: Announcing the HIP 2020–2024 Strategic Plan

Blog post by our Co-Directors Lili Farhang and Solange Gould introducing HIP's 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, and sharing our renewed clarity around HIP's mission, vision, values, theory of change, and the impacts we want to have in the world.