Human Impact Partners

September 29, 2020

Fear of the Unknown: How ICE transfers impact the health of immigrants and their families

Blog post by Dr. Christine Mitchell highlights our research on the health impacts of direct transfers from prisons and jails to ICE, including an interview with Lien Pham and Narissa Pham about how their brother Tien's transfer to ICE has impacted them and their loved ones.
September 23, 2020

HIP Quarterly: New health equity resources, our latest research, mobilizing to #DefendTheVote4PH, and more!

What you'll find in this issue: resources for health departments to confront police violence, research on a more equitable model of housing development in Santa Fe and the health harms of ICE transfers, mobilizing to #DefendTheVote4PH, capacity building highlights, HIP's 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, and more!
September 17, 2020

Public Health Phone Bank for Prop 15! Join us Tuesday, September 22 to put Schools and Communities First

Join us next Tuesday, September 22nd, 5:30-8:30pm for our public health phone bank to talk to your community about the critical need to pass Prop 15 to bring $12 billion per year into California's schools and local services.
September 16, 2020

The health of families depends on being together — stop direct transfers to ICE detention centers

SF Examiner OpEd by Senior Research Associate Sukhdip Purewal Boparai about the health harms of direct transfers to ICE, and the urgent need for Governor Gavin Newsom to prioritize the health of all Californians by issuing an executive order that stops direct ICE transfers.
September 4, 2020

Delivering Health: How Disinvestment and Sabotage at the USPS Threatens Public Health

Blog post by the Human Impact Partners team on how a fully functioning and funded United States Postal Service is critical for public health, along with actions you can take to support USPS in light of recent threats to service and budget cuts.
August 5, 2020

Our North Star Amidst Uncertainty: Announcing the HIP 2020–2024 Strategic Plan

Blog post by our Co-Directors Lili Farhang and Solange Gould introducing HIP's 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, and sharing our renewed clarity around HIP's mission, vision, values, theory of change, and the impacts we want to have in the world.
July 6, 2020

Elected officials, advocates call on Newsom to suspend transfers to ICE during pandemic

Desert Sun article by Rebecca Plevin highlights state and local leaders, advocacy groups, and public health experts including HIP's Dr. Christine Mitchell calling on Gov. Gavin Newsom to stop transferring immigrants who have been released from California jails and prisons to US Immigration and Customs Enforcement during COVID-19.
June 24, 2020

Event: Join us on 7/8 for Policing as a Public Health Issue – Diving Deeper into Police Abolition

Human Impact Partners is excited to host another opportunity for public health practitioners to engage in conversation about policing as a public health issue. Join us on Wednesday, July 8, at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET for a deeper look at police abolition as a strategy for health equity.
May 14, 2020

Ockenfels-Martinez: Abandoning essential workers is a public health issue

Op-ed by HIP Research Associate Martha Ockenfels-Martinez on the critical need for cities to pass paid sick leave to support worker health, and the role gig companies play in creating barriers to health equity. The op-ed references HIP's 2019 research report, "Driving Away Our Health: The Economic Insecurity of Working for Lyft and Uber."
December 24, 2019

Closing out 2019, ready for 2020 and beyond!

What you'll find in this issue: our newest research out of Florida, the latest in our organizing work with public health practitioners, highlights from work across California to advance equity, advocacy updates, and saying good bye to our co-founder and co-director Jonathan Heller.
December 12, 2019

*NEW* Research — Our Homes, Our Health: Ensuring Climate and Housing Justice for Florida’s Manufactured Home Communities

Research report in partnership with Manufactured Housing Action (MHAction), revealing intersecting threats — of exploitative community owner practices, destructive climate disasters, and ineffective disaster recovery programs — to the health and well-being of Florida’s manufactured home community residents.
December 3, 2019

Goodbye for now, thank you, and a final request

Friday is my last day at Human Impact Partners. After 14 years, I’ll be leaving HIP in the incredibly capable hands of the HIP team: my long-time co-leader and thought partner, Lili Farhang, our dedicated Board, and HIP’s amazing staff...
August 7, 2019

HIP Statement Against White Nationalist Violence

We at Human Impact Partners are feeling the anguish, fear, and pulls of despair over the mass shootings in Gilroy, El Paso, and Dayton — all within a week. We, like a lot of you, are both numb and heartbroken. It’s hard to constantly face the volume of mass shootings we are collectively witnessing across the US...
July 6, 2019

Census important for public health

The Daily Sentinel opinion piece by Courtney Midkiff on the role of public health and specifically the Meigs County Health Department in Ohio, to shape and use the census to advance public health.
July 3, 2019

Catch HIP in Orlando at NACCHO Annual 2019

Come say hi to Amber, Ana, and Jonathan at the NACCHO Annual Meeting in Orlando July 9 to 11. Join us for a Public Health Awakened happy hour on Tuesday and come participate at our sessions on power, health equity, and immigration on Wednesday and Thursday.