Human Impact Partners

January 23, 2021

Alabama Amazon Workers to Vote on Union in Midst of Warehouse Health Care Crisis

Random Lengths News article by Mark Friedman highlights Amazon workers' efforts to unionize for labor protections, featuring findings from our recent report with Warehouse Worker Resource Center on how Amazon's workplace policies harm worker health.
January 21, 2021

Workplace surveillance harms essential workers

Othering & Belonging Institute blog post by Martha Ockenfels-Martinez highlights our research on the impacts of workplace surveillance at companies including Amazon, Lyft, and Uber, where surveillance emerges as a key culprit in pushing workers into mental and physical health distress.
January 14, 2021

NEW- Research reveals Amazon’s hidden public health crisis

Our new research in partnership with Warehouse Worker Resource Center reveals the physical and mental health impacts of Amazon's inhumane quota and surveillance systems on warehouse workers and delivery drivers, and offers urgent steps policymakers can take to protect public health and worker safety.
January 13, 2021

Hundreds of COVID-19 Cases at Santa Rita Jail

Davis Vanguard article by Carlin Ross recaps Decarcerate Alameda County's press conference about ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks at Santa Rita Jail, featuring HIP's Amber Akemi Piatt on the continued public health crises of incarceration and policing.
January 4, 2021

New! Equity Lens Tool and webinar on COVID-19 response

Check out our new Equity Lens Tool developed in partnership with Big Cities Health Coalition for centering equity in COVID-19 planning, response, and recovery decision making—and join us on January 11 for a launch webinar to learn more!
December 18, 2020

Health Over Punishment: Organizing Efforts to Stop ICE Transfers in California and Beyond

KCET Power & Health article by our Health Instead of Punishment Director Amber Akemi Piatt and Yadira Sanchez, on the power of coalition building and community organizing for health equity, and how organizers and immigrants in California have created community defense campaigns rooted in love, resistance, and interdependence—to keep each other safe.
December 17, 2020

Rising rents, stagnant wages leave many Colorado tenants struggling to meet basic needs

Colorado Newsline article by Moe Clark highlights findings from our report, "Stable Homes, Healthy Communities" on the inequitable impacts of the rental affordability crisis, and the need to repeal Colorado’s ban on rental stabilization policies to promote community health. The survey showed how cost burdens are not evenly distributed among all renters. Historic and ongoing housing discrimination and persistent income inequities mean that Black and Latinx households are more likely to rent their homes and to spend a larger portion of their incomes on housing costs.
December 17, 2020

Coloradans already struggling to afford housing say coronavirus has made their situation worse

Colorado Sun article by Thy Vo spotlights findings from our report, "Stable Homes, Healthy Communities" on how the worsening rental affordability crisis in Colorado harms health, and forces renters—particularly low-income and people of color communities—to cut back on food and health care to stay in their homes.
December 7, 2020

Join us on 12/15 for a National Briefing on COVID-19 and the Eviction Crisis

With the CDC's eviction moratorium set to expire on December 31st, an estimated 40 million people are facing eviction. Join us on 12/15 for a National Briefing on COVID-19 and the Eviction Crisis, with the Right to the City Alliance and Working Families Party, featuring leading voices from the public health, legal, and housing justice sectors.
November 24, 2020

💚Two Words We Don’t Say Enough

In this year of so many challenges and outrages, we want to take a moment to appreciate you. We thank you, and invite you to take the next step with us; we would be so honored if you’d add HIP to your holiday giving list this year, and help us raise the funds we need to advance health equity in 2021 and beyond.
November 9, 2020

Join us for a webinar on Thursday, 11/12: Addressing State Violence as a Public Health Issue

Our love for peoples' movements for liberation is overflowing this week, but our work is far from over. In light of the election results, we're preparing for expected backlash. Join us Thursday, November 12th for a webinar on addressing state violence as a public health crisis.
November 4, 2020

In This Together: Take a deep breath. Count the votes.

We're celebrating the powerful organizing and movement building that brought out voters in historic numbers. We're prepared, and we're in this together. Now take we're taking a deep breath and continuing the work to ensure #EveryVoteCounts!
October 30, 2020

Forming Partnerships With Public Health Departments, Part 2: How to Make the Connection

Shelterforce article by Human Impact Partners' Logan Harris, Solange Gould, and Megan Gaydos offering tips for community organizations looking to build relationships with local public health departments.
October 29, 2020

Connecting the Dots: Health Inequities, Power, and the Potential for Public Health’s Transformational Role

KCET re-publication of a HIP blog post by Jonathan Heller, on the ways power imbalances perpetuate health inequities — and what public health can do to shift power for health.
October 26, 2020

How To Prepare for a Delayed and/or Contested Election ➡ #DefendTheVote4PH!

It's our responsibility as public health practitioners to defend the vote for public health, now and post-election. We're preparing and organizing for the possibility of a delayed and/or contested election, and offering ways for you to connect and join us.
October 26, 2020

Public health over punishment: How advocates can use social math and other tools of media advocacy to communicate about police and prison budgets

Berkeley Media Studies Group blog post by Heather Gehlert and Katherine Schaff spotlights Health Instead of Punishment Director Amber Akemi Piatt on using strategies like social math to renew the call to defend Black lives, clarify demands for abolition, and increase support for reallocating police funds.
October 24, 2020

New APHA Policy Statement: Advancing Public Health Interventions to Address the Harms of the Carceral System

APHA passes new policy statement authored by the End Police Violence Collective and endorsed by countless public health advocates and organizers including Human Impact Partners and Public Health Awakened, on the health harms of incarceration with recommendations for public health to move towards abolition.
October 23, 2020

Forming Partnerships With Public Health Departments, Part 1: Why It’s a Good Idea

Shelterforce article by Human Impact Partners' Logan Harris, Solange Gould, and Megan Gaydos on what public health practitioners do to advance racial equity, and why building deep relationships with community partners is essential to health equity.
October 21, 2020

New Infographics: How CA Prop 15 will invest in health equity throughout California!

When we vote, we want to know how our choices will impact our families and communities. We partnered with the Yes On 15: Schools and Communities First campaign to create a set of infographics for California voters, illustrating exactly how CA Prop 15 will restore county resources and advance health equity across California.
October 20, 2020

✅ We’re Voting for Health Equity! 2020 Election Actions, Tools, and Resources

Check out our 2020 Election Special for actions, tools, and resources to mobilize to defend the vote and advance health equity. Because this election, we have the power to transform the terrain that our collective health depends on.
October 15, 2020

5 Ways Health Departments Can Help Ensure Healthy Voting

A healthy democracy is critical for healthy communities, and health departments have a critical role to play to ensure that all communities have a say in the conditions and decisions that impact their lives. Here are five ways health departments can help ensure healthy voting and protect election integrity.
October 15, 2020

The Long Game: approaching the 2020 election as a strategy for health equity

Blog post by Solange Gould, Sophia Simon-Ortiz, and Shannon Tracey on how we're engaging the 2020 election as part of a long-game strategy to cultivate collective health, and harnessing the power of our votes to dismantle systemic oppression.
October 9, 2020

Investing in Community Well-being on World Mental Health Day

Talkspace article by Reina Gattuso featuring our Health Instead of Punishment Program Director Amber Akemi Piatt highlights the criminalization of mental illness, as well as the the abolitionist movement to shift resources from incarceration and policing to public health and mental health care.
October 6, 2020

📣 Our 2020 CA Voter Guide: Public Health is on the Ballot!

Public health is on the ballot this November! In our new 2020 California Voter Guide, we're sharing our positions on several key propositions that will have a lasting impact on the health, wellbeing, and equity of our communities.