Our work seeks to bridge partners inside governmental public health and in outside social movements to build community power and advance systems change for health equity..

About the Bridging Program

Advancing equity requires work inside and outside government to transform our institutions and promote democratic, community-driven decision-making about the conditions impacting our lives and well-being.  

Launched in 2022, the Bridging Strategies and Partnerships Program seeks to build deep and trusting relationships between health departments and community organizers to support building community power and advance policy and systems change on the social determinants of health (e.g., housing, economic security, community safety, climate change).  

Funded by The Kresge Foundation and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, HIP provides a series of offerings and programs to advance inside/outside strategies, and to  ‘bridge’ the governmental public health and community organizing sectors.       

Bridging Program Offerings

Power-building Partnerships for Health

In 2023 HIP is launching our third cohort of Power-Building Partnerships for Health, our flagship Bridging project, which cultivates relationships and strategic actions between pairs of local health departments and community power-building organizations across the country.  This nine-month intensive and structured cohort builds on past participants’ experiences and will last March through December 2023.

Power-building Technical Assistance

HIP offers ongoing, rapid-response support to health departments and/or community power-building organizations, bridging HIP’s governmental and organizing partners to engage in coordinated policy and systems change on emerging social determinants of health.  For more information, please visit our TA page or email pph@humanimpact.org

Power-building Resources and Tools

Since launching, the Bridging Program has developed resources, tools, and case studies about why and how to pursue inside-outside strategies as part of a department’s health equity strategy (especially given the political constraints), and to share the work with our wider community.